
Boxing Hall of Famer is unanimous winner

A comforting smile creases the face of 83-year-old Jerry Jakubco when he reminisces about his halcyon days traveling the globe as a veteran professional boxing judge.

Pictures of boxing royalty such as Muhammad Ali, Roberto Duran, Sugar Ray Leonard and many others adorn the walls of the cramped yet cozy office within his family law […]

By |January 23rd, 2025|Main|

Sister Jean’s urgent plea: “Work with people of other cultures and try to understand each other” 

As she celebrates her 103rd birthday, Sister Jean Dolores Schmidt offers sage advice for young students, parents and our nation as a whole.

The longtime Loyola University men’s basketball chaplain and internationally renowned symbol of ecumenical optimism and grace, spoke to me over the weekend about her views of today’s young generation and the future of […]

By |August 22nd, 2022|Main|

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my blog, which will serve as an ongoing conduit for my personal expressions and opinions regarding the business and pleasure of sports.

As this space evolves, you can look forward to my commentary on current events, reflections on historical sports moments and accompanying photos and videos to bring back memories.

I look forward to seeing […]

By |August 22nd, 2016|Main|
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